Pathways COVID-19 Response:
Steps Pathways is taking to assure safety of staff and the people that we serve and yet still provide essential services. Immediately, suspension of groups, ABA, Clubhouse, Skill Building, non-essential CLS and routine clinical appointments until further notice.
Pathways will continue to provide 24/7 Crisis Services.
If you have questions about your services through Pathways, please call Pathways at 1-888-728-4929
Are you in crisis?
Around the clock crisis support services.
Call 1-888-PATHWAY (1-888-728-4929)
Access to Services
Not sure if you or a family member qualify for services?
Call 1-888-906-9060
We want people to feel that they are part of something bigger and more worthwhile than just a job.
We challenge ourselves to be curious and continue to develop our skills. Let’s be tenacious, inspire others and demonstrate a real passion for what we do.
We work as a team and respect each other. We are dynamic, creative, and enthusiastic. We are professional and work with integrity.
"People, Passion and Principles" is a concept borrowed
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Executive Order
In accordance with the Executive Order 2023-48 (COVID-19), the Pathways Community Mental Health Authority Board and Committee meetings will be held virtually until further notice. Members and staff will be attending remotely through Lifesize conferencing.
Pathways Board Agenda/Packet for the August 5. 2023 Meeting
If you wish to attend, you are invited to attend Pathways Board and Committee meetings via Lifesize.
Passcode: 1181
To call from Mobile (audio only)
United States: +1 (312) 584-2401
Meeting Extension 1947316#
Passcode: 1181#
Call in by Phone (audio only)
United States: +1 (312) 584-2401
Meeting extension: 1947316#
Passcode: 1181#
Public participation will be available during the Public Comment section on the Agenda. Public comment is limited to three minutes per speaker. Public comment will be opened by the Pathways Board Chair for Alger, Delta, Luce, and Marquette County, respectively. The Board Chair will address each person one at a time and will request you identify yourself for the record.
Pathways Community Supports Services, CSS, regrets to inform all that we will not be holding our Formal Event this year. The Event was scheduled for June 1 at the Island Casino and Resort. We are in hopes of holding a Picnic / Recreational Day in the Fall. We will keep you posted. Thank You all to all our Sponsors/ Volunteers that help with this event each year.
- Mix and Mingle Events Calendar
- Flyer for Vocational Services Trainings
Pathways Eliminating Stigma Team (P.E.S.T)
Pathways Eliminating Stigma Team (P.E.S.T) in collaboration with community partners, Youth Mental Health Project and Michigan Association of Community Mental Health Boards is excited to bring to Alger, Delta, Luce and Marquette County, No Letting Go - a poignant yet elevating drama about a young boy’s mental illness and how it shapes the course of his life, as well as the lives of his family members.
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